BLW is deprecated

Formely this website was a home to Bitcoin Lightning Wallet aka BLW.

At some point it’s been decided that BLW’s architecture should be radically redesigned to support routing of Lightning payments and advanced Bitcoin wallet features, which led to development of IMMORTAN library.

However, as development was progressing it has become clear that smooth upgrade will take too much time and effort; the solution was to drop further progress of BLW and instead continue it with Simple Bitcoin Wallet, originally a basic Bitcoin-only app without Lightning support.

Simple Bitcoin Wallet thus becomes a successor of BLW; all further Bitcoin and Lightning development will be happening in SBW only. BLW is deprecated.

What does this mean for BLW users

First and foremost: BLW is an autonomous wallet so me dropping its development means nothing for users in a short term. It will keep working just like it did and users are free to get funds out of it at any time or even continue using it.

However, it is advised that users stop using it eventually since no development means no fixes for potential bugs which may be discovered in future.

Personally I apologize for this inconvenience and urge existing users still interested in using my stuff to migrate to Simple Bitcoin Wallet.